Submission Preparation Checklist
Before submitting your manuscript to Worldview Research Bulletin (WRB), please ensure that your submission meets the following requirements:
1. Manuscript Formatting
✅ The manuscript is original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere.
✅ The file is in Microsoft Word (DOC/DOCX) format.
✅ The manuscript follows Times New Roman font:
- 12 pt for the main text
- 10 pt for references and captions
✅ Line spacing: 1.5 for the main text and single for footnotes.
✅ Margins: 1-inch on all sides.
✅ Word limit: Between 3,000 – 8,000 words, including references.
✅ The manuscript includes section headings (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion).
2. Title Page
✅ The title page includes:
- Manuscript title (concise and descriptive)
- Full names of all authors (no abbreviations)
- Affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID IDs (if available)
- Corresponding author's contact details
3. Abstract and Keywords
✅ Abstract (200–250 words) summarizing the research objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions.
✅ 4–6 relevant keywords for indexing purposes.
4. References & Citations
✅ All sources cited in the text appear in the References section.
✅ The references follow APA (7th edition) citation style.
✅ Hanging indent is used for formatting the reference list.
5. Tables, Figures, and Equations
✅ Tables and figures are numbered sequentially with appropriate captions.
✅ Figures are in high resolution (minimum 300 DPI, PNG/JPEG).
✅ Equations are created using Microsoft Equation Editor.
✅ All tables and figures are referenced within the text.
6. Ethical Considerations
✅ The manuscript follows ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects (if applicable).
✅ Any conflicts of interest are disclosed in a separate statement.
✅ Funding sources (if any) are acknowledged.
7. Submission Process
✅ The manuscript has been checked for plagiarism (<10%).
✅ The submission is made through the WRB Online Submission System.
✅ A confirmation email will be received upon successful submission.
For further inquiries, please contact the WRB editorial team at +91 9993654358 or visit the WRB website.
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